Using human-centred design to improve energy efficiency programs


Human-centred design is being used to make the NSW energy savings scheme more effective. We started with research that identified six key insights for improved scheme operation. It found that the scheme is complex and its fragmented tools and systems create unnecessary barriers to entry. We then used workshops to develop six corresponding opportunities for improved service delivery. To scale up we need streamlined manual processes, more collaboration and improved digital systems. This is especially relevant given recent announcements that the scheme is being extended to 2050.

This talk will present the research, and will place it in the context of changes announced as part of the NSW Energy Strategy. It will explore small, medium and long term changes to scheme delivery identified through the HCD process and our proposed next steps.

The NSW Energy Savings Scheme started in 2009. It has so far delivered projects that will save 27,000 gigawatt hours of energy and $5.6 billion in bill savings over their lifetimes.



David Pryor, New South Wales Government, Australia


Presentation slides and related publications/links

  1. Presentation slides