An interactive tool for guiding meaningful public engagement in energy infrastructure projects

Abstract: Achieving international climate and energy goals will require a rapid and profound transformation of our energy system. This process affects people all over the world. Public engagement is therefore crucial to ensure that society’s views, needs and concerns are considered, and that a truly just and inclusive energy transition is pursued. To faciliate this, […]

Are we getting the best out of Smart Home Technologies? The role of usability

Abstract: Smart Home Technologies are believed to offer potential to support the global effort to reduce carbon emissions. Their contribution can be recognised through promoting efficient operation, demand flexibility and status reporting. This potential however is not yet being realised, particularly amongst domestic consumers. The Energy Systems Catapult have conducted an evidence review on behalf […]

Encouraging heat pump adoption in Ireland: Insights from Behavioural Economics

Abstract: In this short talk, Karl Purcell, the program manager of the Behavioural Economics unit at the SEAI, outlines the heat pump adoption customer journey and highlights the barriers and drivers to uptake at each stage. The presentation concludes with some recommendations for policymakers looking to encourage further heat pump adoption. The webinar is based […]

Smart, Energy-Saving Homes: What’s Stopping Us?

Abstract: Smart, energy-saving homes utilise network connectivity, big data and powerful data processing. They can manage and automate services such as lighting, heating/cooling and washing in order to reduce energy consumption and provide load flexibility to the grid. Despite recent gains in building envelope and appliance efficiency, further opportunities remain to improve whole-building system efficiency […]