Can we achieve a just transition when so many energy users remain hidden?


The UsersTCP Hard-to-Reach Energy Users (HTR) Task has recently started Phase 2, which focuses on energy users that are not just hard-to-reach, but who remain hidden from the attentions of policy makers, programme managers and researchers. There are several reasons why they may remain hidden:

1) because they are not prioritised (e.g., home-based micro businesses);
2) because they do not want to be a burden on society (e.g., bereaved elderly);
3) because they are the “squeezed middle” without assets who are not income-eligible for support;
4) because they live in overcrowded conditions but only the bill payer is known (e.g., student flatters); and
5) some remain hidden on purpose (e.g., criminalised or illegalised groups).

We believe that a truly just energy transition is not possible unless these hidden voices get not just acknowledged, but prioritised by policy makers and programme managers designing energy system interventions. That means, reaching out and building trusted relationships with their community, and particularly frontline support agencies. This webinar will present our field research to date, and hopes to invite questions and commentary from parties interested in, and focusing on, hidden energy users around the world.


Dr. Sea Rotmann, Users TCP Hard-to-Reach Energy Users Task Leader.

Presentation slides and related publications/links:

  1. Presentation slides
  2. Users TCP Hard-to-Reach Energy Users Task